Every so often I listen to concerns regarding technology's role in advancing student language & communication. Most often the question posed is whether or not technology is hindering our students' ability to communicate effectively. The concern stems from the language of texting, and that if we as educators infuse greater technology in our classrooms, do we foster 'improper' texting conventions of communication?
Typically when this concern is raised I immediately reflect back to my days as a student in my grade 11 English class. I see myself sitting there at my desk, staring at a book full of words and terms I cannot for the life of me understand. I am told over and over again, how this book contains language of great importance, and I would be wise to learn it. I understand that the author influenced almost every narrative that came after him, but I could never understand what the heck this 'Bill' guy was talking about.
I have never (well maybe rarely) used any of the phrases William Shakespeare so eloquently penned in his great works. As I have said, I understand his works are masterpieces; and believe me, I wish I appreciated them then like I do now. However, I also understand that when I speak to family, write an email to coworkers, or text my friends, I don't utter the phrase "Where art thou?"
Communication has evolved, and continues to evolve. I wonder if someone back in 1650 said "These kids these days! those gents don't knoweth how to writeth properly!" Did they fret about the state of spelling & grammar? Did they wonder if giving every student a chalk & slate would lead to every kid not knowing how to speak properly? Or that they wouldn't know how to write a proper essay?
True, texting has a great influence on the evolution of communication; but I don't believe it's because of the technology. Communication has changed because we have adapted as living, breathing, walking & talking beings in how we use it. No device forces you to write 'U' instead of 'You'. We make that choice. Even if we are talking about autocorrect, we still make the choice to set the autocorrect function to do this, or allow it.
If we are concerned about our students' written communication than it's our responsibility to teach them the proper conventions for each medium. If it comes to writing an essay, then yes we need to teach them how to properly construct one. However, how many essays have you wrote lately? How many students are going to go on to write one in their future?
Students however, are far more likely to blog, text, email, and produce a podcast. Therefore, maybe if we get students to construct these forms of communication, they will take greater care with their conventions? Not because of the technology component, but because these are ways which resonate with them, and ways of communication in which they see in their future.
I hope my students go on to write amazing works of art, essays of great importance, and novels that capture the masses. But I also hope just one goes on to blog a little, maybe like me, and finds their outlet for communication.
A blog devoted to quality teaching with technology. Not to use technology as a substitute for quality teaching.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Learning in the 21st Century
“Over the last several weeks I have found myself in many conversations about what 21st century teaching & learning means. It seems like a topic that would be perfect for our second #peel21st blog hop. So here we are again! Read on to learn more about what I think 21st century learning is to me, and don't forget to check out the other blog posts linked at the bottom of the post."
I often try to articulate what it really means to learn in the 21st century. It is difficult. I battle with attempting to define this almost everyday. I often look toward the skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century; and therefore what our students need to acquire. However, defining 21st century skills doesn't necessarily translate to the idea of 'what learning in the 21st century is?' or better yet, looks like.
Therefore, I often gravitate toward the idea of what should happen in a classroom every day, and believe there should be a few observable traits. These I think should be the 4 C's of 21st century education - collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. It's not like they weren't around when I was in school, but they definitely weren't a focus in the same way. This is the distinct difference I see between the learning I engaged in, and the one I want for my students. Learning, as John Seely Brown said best, is a social process. Therefore as teachers, we really need to ensure we provide an environment that allows for socializing to happen.
Therefore, I often gravitate toward the idea of what should happen in a classroom every day, and believe there should be a few observable traits. These I think should be the 4 C's of 21st century education - collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. It's not like they weren't around when I was in school, but they definitely weren't a focus in the same way. This is the distinct difference I see between the learning I engaged in, and the one I want for my students. Learning, as John Seely Brown said best, is a social process. Therefore as teachers, we really need to ensure we provide an environment that allows for socializing to happen.
I think the biggest thing however, is that learning today needs to be 'real'. Learning has to allow students of all ages connect with the world around them. I came across this video not too long ago that I believe really articulates my thoughts on what learning today is really about.
So when it's all said and done, learning today requires authenticity, connections, and most of all, the ability of others to support you in following your passion. Or put another way learning in the 21st century...
What do you think?
Oh and don’t forget to check out the other blog posts in our Blog Hop!
- Sean Broda - http://mrseanbroda.blogspot.ca/
- Josh Crozier - http://joshcrozieredu.wordpress.com/
- Tina Zita – http://misszita.wordpress.com
- Jim Blackwood – http://jimmyblackwood.wordpress.com
- Jonathan So – http://www.Mrsoclassroom.blogspot.ca
- Alicia Quennell – http://aliciaquennell.blogspot.ca/
- Debbie Axiak – http://debbieaxiak.blogspot.ca
- Lynn Filliter – http://assessmentgeek.edublogs.org
- Heather Lye – http://www.teachinginspirations.blogspot.ca/
- Graham Whisen – http://ideaconnect.edublogs.org/
- Donald, Campbell – http://ateachingyear.wordpress.com
- James Nunes – http://joyousteaching.blogspot.ca
- Greg, Pearson – http://leaderinadigitalworld.blogspot.ca
- Phil Young – http://sphillipyoung.wordpress.com
- Shivonne Lewis-Young – http://slewisyoung.wordpress.com
- Jim Cash – http://makelearn.org
- Engy Boutros - https://engyboutros.wordpress.com/
- Susan Campo – http://susancampo.ca
- Sean Coroza - http://seancoroza.wordpress.com/
- Ken Dewar – https://mysite.peelschools.org/personal/P0031112/Blog/default.aspx (need a Peel O365 Account)
Friday, October 17, 2014
The Tweet that Changed a Life
It isn't often you get to work alongside someone who greatly inspires you; who you regularly look to for motivation and direction to become a better educator. Many of these people I follow on Twitter, see at conferences, and read their blogs; but rarely do I ever truly get to "work" with them (I intentionally use parenthesis there, as work in this case is hardly work!). Today however, was one of those rare, and very lucky days.
I saw George Couros speak for the first time a couple of years ago at #TLDWpeel and walked away wanting to change the world. He has an affect on people that few have; and is one of those leaders that can make people laugh, cry, truly engage with one another, nod their heads in complete agreement with everything he says, and get them up on their feet dancing to whatever the fad song is of the day. It's truly remarkable.
I could go on this whole post and talk about how amazing it is to work with someone like that; and in a way, I set out with somewhat of an intention to do so. However, today I bore witness to something else that was maybe even more amazing. Sorry George ;)
We set out on the day without a roadmap, or any real plan of how the day was going to go. It was really about responding to the needs of the 20 educators in the room, and what they felt they really wanted to accomplish. The one main idea that we had however, was to connect these educators with others that exist outside the walls of their school - open the doors to a wealth of expertise, ideas, innovation, and sharing.
The real amazing moment came when we were signing all of them up on Twitter and showing them the ins & outs of the social media platform. One teacher in particular George signed up himself, just to show the rest the process of tweeting, retweeting, mentioning others, and following people who are worthwhile to follow. He then proceeded to demonstrate the true power of Twitter, and how one tweet can develop so many new connections. From his own account he tweeted out the following:
The rest of us watched. In an instant there were 5 new followers; 30 seconds later, 12 new followers; a minute, and 15 were now following her. After just a couple of minutes, Lisa had already developed connections with many educators from around the world. In that moment, she realized what she had just done. She turned to George and softly, but profoundly stated "This just changed my life."
I saw George Couros speak for the first time a couple of years ago at #TLDWpeel and walked away wanting to change the world. He has an affect on people that few have; and is one of those leaders that can make people laugh, cry, truly engage with one another, nod their heads in complete agreement with everything he says, and get them up on their feet dancing to whatever the fad song is of the day. It's truly remarkable.
I could go on this whole post and talk about how amazing it is to work with someone like that; and in a way, I set out with somewhat of an intention to do so. However, today I bore witness to something else that was maybe even more amazing. Sorry George ;)
We set out on the day without a roadmap, or any real plan of how the day was going to go. It was really about responding to the needs of the 20 educators in the room, and what they felt they really wanted to accomplish. The one main idea that we had however, was to connect these educators with others that exist outside the walls of their school - open the doors to a wealth of expertise, ideas, innovation, and sharing.
The real amazing moment came when we were signing all of them up on Twitter and showing them the ins & outs of the social media platform. One teacher in particular George signed up himself, just to show the rest the process of tweeting, retweeting, mentioning others, and following people who are worthwhile to follow. He then proceeded to demonstrate the true power of Twitter, and how one tweet can develop so many new connections. From his own account he tweeted out the following:
The rest of us watched. In an instant there were 5 new followers; 30 seconds later, 12 new followers; a minute, and 15 were now following her. After just a couple of minutes, Lisa had already developed connections with many educators from around the world. In that moment, she realized what she had just done. She turned to George and softly, but profoundly stated "This just changed my life."
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Social Media - Guidelines or Rules?
Over the summer the Peel District School Board released Social Media Guidelines for staff. To most this may seem inconsequential; however, to many who are in the teaching profession, this is a monumental step. The debate nonetheless, is whether this step is forward or backward? To lots of staff, these guidelines present a new set of 'rules' that may hinder their ability to connect & communicate. To others, it allows them to do so in a way that they can feel safe & supported. In spite of this debate, and no matter which side of the fence one may fall on, I truly believe these guidelines are in existence to help those willing navigators of social media.
I feel I also need to be clear when it comes to writing this post. I write this not as a strong advocate of these guidelines (although I am), but as a teacher who wants to clarify these guidelines, and present them as just that, guidelines. If you choose to stay away from social media because of the fear of reprimand or safety, so be it. It's unfortunate, but I do understand. As someone who is on Twitter, Google, Youtube, and this blog for instance, I have seen myself grow as an educator in ways never before imaginable; and wants others to experience similar growth. So read on, or don't, I can only suggest it might be worthwhile.
So let's first quickly understand the necessity of social media guidelines. Consider this:
Second, teachers, administrators and other staff are looking more and more to support their professional practice on their own time, in their own way. They are looking to social media to make such connections and develop professional learning networks.
Third, many teachers' federations and unions have long held the belief that social media is a negative environment that can jeopardize their members' careers. However, they too are quickly realizing the importance social media plays in their members' professional development, and are looking to support their members' practice; which is why the Elementary Teacher's Federation of Ontario, Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, and the Ontario Principals' Council all reviewed and provided input on Peel's guidelines.
When my son is of age to go to school, do I want to know what goes on in his classroom by seeing it myself? Or do I want to have to ask him every day after school, and hope that he wants to share with me?
My opinion is that it would be amazing that I could engage in a conversation whereby I ask him to tell me about an activity I saw his class doing; rather than asking him to tell me what he did that day.
I do understand there are some privacy concerns, and definitely make sure consent forms are signed (or not signed depending on age level); but there are easy ways to still share without totally sharing. For example, when I show pictures of what my students were working on, I show the work itself, and not necessarily the students. If I did want to show the students, and even if they had a consent form signed, I still ask them, just to be sure. Most of the time however, I wouldn't show their faces, and would avoid using full names. Plus, you don't have to show any visuals if you don't feel comfortable doing so. Lot's can still be said in 140 characters or less!
I feel I also need to be clear when it comes to writing this post. I write this not as a strong advocate of these guidelines (although I am), but as a teacher who wants to clarify these guidelines, and present them as just that, guidelines. If you choose to stay away from social media because of the fear of reprimand or safety, so be it. It's unfortunate, but I do understand. As someone who is on Twitter, Google, Youtube, and this blog for instance, I have seen myself grow as an educator in ways never before imaginable; and wants others to experience similar growth. So read on, or don't, I can only suggest it might be worthwhile.
So let's first quickly understand the necessity of social media guidelines. Consider this:
- 96% of students with internet access report using social networking technologies
- 59% of students who use social networking talk about education topics online
- The use of social media has grown 21% in teaching
Second, teachers, administrators and other staff are looking more and more to support their professional practice on their own time, in their own way. They are looking to social media to make such connections and develop professional learning networks.
Third, many teachers' federations and unions have long held the belief that social media is a negative environment that can jeopardize their members' careers. However, they too are quickly realizing the importance social media plays in their members' professional development, and are looking to support their members' practice; which is why the Elementary Teacher's Federation of Ontario, Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, and the Ontario Principals' Council all reviewed and provided input on Peel's guidelines.
So what do you need to know about the guidelines?
Really it all boils down to one very simple idea: Be professional. However, this may be a little too simple for some, so here are my 5 takeaways that might help you better understand the guidelines.1. Personal is Professional
No matter when you post to social media, you do so as a professional. There is no such thing as 'personal' anymore, even if you think you are in a 'secure' environment (just ask Jennifer Lawrence or whoever was operating American Red Cross' Twitter account on that fateful day). As educators, we are role models. Always. It may seem overwhelming at times, but this doesn't mean you have to act the choir boy/girl. It really just means be your professional self. Posting things about education is good. This is pretty straightforward. However, it becomes a little murky when you post things about your personal interests. Personally, I choose to still post things about the books I'm reading, podcasts I'm listening to, events I attend, activities I partake in, and some things I do with my family. I don't post everything, not because it's inappropriate, just because I don't care for the entire world to know everything about me.2. Create a Class/Teacher Account
If you are looking to use social media as a part of your blended learning environment, then I highly suggest creating an account that differs from your professional one. If this is the only account you use (ie. you don't have a professional account) than that is great too. Why I suggest this is because it declutters the information you are posting. If your students/parents/community have to sort through your posts, filtering out your vacation tweets, from your 'what happened in class today' tweets, then it gets a bit frustrating for them. Simplify things. It might mean you have to manage your activity a bit more, but I really think your students will appreciate it.3. Communicating with Students
So having your classroom/teacher account now means you have to communicate with students. The question becomes in what ways? One of the first things I and the guidelines agree upon is NOT following students. Do you really want to see/hear that? If students want to follow you, then let them. Encourage your students' parents to as well. If they don't want to, they can always pick up on class information if you use a hashtag (eg. #rhsscgw). They can now search for that hashtag and see all the posts that include it; which for the most part will be your posts. As well, they can always see your tweets if they simply access your page on Twitter. Here's mine for instance if you don't want to follow me?4. Open the Window to Your Classroom
This pertains to sharing what goes on in your classroom. My advice: do so! I take this simple stance:
When my son is of age to go to school, do I want to know what goes on in his classroom by seeing it myself? Or do I want to have to ask him every day after school, and hope that he wants to share with me?
My opinion is that it would be amazing that I could engage in a conversation whereby I ask him to tell me about an activity I saw his class doing; rather than asking him to tell me what he did that day.
I do understand there are some privacy concerns, and definitely make sure consent forms are signed (or not signed depending on age level); but there are easy ways to still share without totally sharing. For example, when I show pictures of what my students were working on, I show the work itself, and not necessarily the students. If I did want to show the students, and even if they had a consent form signed, I still ask them, just to be sure. Most of the time however, I wouldn't show their faces, and would avoid using full names. Plus, you don't have to show any visuals if you don't feel comfortable doing so. Lot's can still be said in 140 characters or less!
5. Social Media is NOT a 24/7 Job
Many educators fears are that if they engage in social media, their students can 'get' them at all hours of the day. If by 'get' you mean they can tweet you, then yes, they can do that at all hours. However, this doesn't mean you have to respond. One of the first steps I take with my students when I inform them about my social media presence, and the connection they have with me, are my 'digital hours'. I still encourage them to tweet me if they have questions after class or school, but I also tell them there is no guarantee I respond. I especially make this clear when it comes to requests that are urgent and time-sensitive. Most students understand this, some may take a while, but they will come to respect this, and just appreciate the fact they can still connect outside of the four walls of the classroom.Tuesday, September 16, 2014
#Peel21st Blog Hop - IFTTT
This summer we were chatting about our favourite digital tools on Twitter and sharing some tools we would like to explore this upcoming year. It seemed like the perfect topic for our first #peel21st blog hop. So here we are! Read on to learn more about IFTTT and don't forget to check out the other blog posts linked at the bottom of the post.
One of the amazing things about 21st century
technology and the tools that accompany it, are the vast amount of resources
available. The growing sentiment made by many is ‘There’s an app for
that!’. All these apps can make life a
little more manageable, while at the same time a little more confusing. The endless apps that
are released, then downloaded to your device, can make managing them all
extremely overwhelming. Here’s where I believe the app IFTTT can really help!
It’s not something I’ve used exhaustively yet, but begin to
see some really useful potential. Imagine the student who is looking to manage
their work from their courses, or the emails they receive, or a list of due
dates from their teacher. What do they do with all this information? IFTTT
looks to show them how to leverage the power of one app, to support the other.
What is it exactly?
IFTTT is really a digital tool recipe maker. It allows users to leverage the apps or web tools they use on their devices, by illustrating the various ways you can use them with other tools. It allows users to create their own recipes, or by browsing the hundreds of recipes already created by others.
These recipes illustrate the idea that ‘If
you use this app/web tool, then you should use this other app/web tool’ with it. IFTTT breaks down
the recipe into manageable parts, and gives users the ability to select suggestions on how to best
leverage each through their recipe creation process. Users have posted an
endless supply of suggestions and it’s quite amazing to see the creativity - how
about using the weather app in conjunction with the phone call channel app to give
you a wakeup call every day! With the weather report!
IFTT Recipe |
Why I like it?
The only way I can really explain why I like IFTTT, is to highlight some of the recipes. These recipes can be used for students, as well as for teachers, which in my mind makes it a very useful app. It makes the management of devices easier, and it makes your device and its tools much more efficient and productive. So here are my top 5 reasons...As you can see, I'm only beginning to explore its potential, but begin to see how it can make my life a little easier, and hopefully students' as well. If you have a really useful recipe, please share it; the creativity of its users is really what makes IFTTT so amazing!
Don’t forget to check out the other blog posts in our Blog Hop!
- Code.org by Erica Armstrong
- Puppet Pals by Debbie Axiak
- Scratch Jr. by James Cash
- Educreations by Matthew Oldridge
- Photo Editor by Tina Zita
- NFB StopMo by Graham Whisen
- Pocket by Greg Pearson
- Notability by Phil Young
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
21st Century Education: A Periodic Table of Elements
It's been an ongoing 'work-in-progress', but one which has been enjoyable. Identifying what is needed in education today is no easy task; nor a task which is ever completed. Constantly revising the list, identifying new elements, and arranging them in a way that makes sense, has been a fun continuous challenge. I also believe like education, this list will be revisited, & revised many, many times. New elements will appear regularly, as we begin to realize what is needed in education.
However, what has been completed up until now is below - 34 elements, 3 groupings, and many months of consideration (you can also see the complete table here). It is a collection of my own thoughts, and of many others. In all there are 34 'elements' grouped accordingly - Habits of Mind (green), Skills (blue), & Environment (orange); each accompanied with a small definition that helps explain them.
It should also be noted, that I started out attempting to arrange the elements in terms of importance - the lower the periodic (atomic) number, the more important the element; however, after the first 7 I began to realize this would be far too difficult, and debatable. I also think that some elements will be more important than others - it all depends on the individual, whether this be a teacher, student, administrator, etc.
Explaining the rationale behind each of the elements is something that will also take some time, and unfortunately won't happen today. There are some elements however, that deserve a bit of recognition, as I believe these are crucial to 21st Century Education (my opinion only). We'll call these my 'Top 5':
However, what has been completed up until now is below - 34 elements, 3 groupings, and many months of consideration (you can also see the complete table here). It is a collection of my own thoughts, and of many others. In all there are 34 'elements' grouped accordingly - Habits of Mind (green), Skills (blue), & Environment (orange); each accompanied with a small definition that helps explain them.
It should also be noted, that I started out attempting to arrange the elements in terms of importance - the lower the periodic (atomic) number, the more important the element; however, after the first 7 I began to realize this would be far too difficult, and debatable. I also think that some elements will be more important than others - it all depends on the individual, whether this be a teacher, student, administrator, etc.
Explaining the rationale behind each of the elements is something that will also take some time, and unfortunately won't happen today. There are some elements however, that deserve a bit of recognition, as I believe these are crucial to 21st Century Education (my opinion only). We'll call these my 'Top 5':
1. The 6 C's - Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Citizenship, and Character.
These six essential elements form the basis for many of the habits of mind that follow in the table. They allow students, teachers, educators, etc. to provide an enriching learning experience, and a mindset that will allow for greater success in anything that is faced in the future. The problems that exist before our students, and ourselves, are new, and therefore require greater critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, etc. The way we express solutions, also require not just effective communication, but appealing methods to capture the attention of the masses. The world we live in is one that is so interconnected we need students to realize that we all are global citizens, and our character matters even more.
2. Technology
It is never the answer for education, but technology can provide new ways of learning, both efficiently and effectively, and energize students to solve problems they cared little about previously. Not to say that a pen or pencil can't do the trick, because these are pieces of technology too; but there are so many options out there now for us to use to enrich the learning experience. We are able to expedite the learning of many, connect with people around the globe, and make learning authentic. We are able to allow more people, who previously didn't have access to education, acquire knowledge and skills necessary for life improvement, all simply using technology. How we use the technology is always the most important question, but technology is a great motivator, improver, and connector for many.
3. Open Space
I must admit, I'm big on the physical layout of the classroom. That teacher who is in days before school begins, to get the class jussssstttttt right. Therefore, there is definite bias in this one. However, I think it is one that requires a little more thought. We teach 21st century students, using 21st century pedagogy, using 21st century technology, in 20th century classrooms? Something doesn't quite add up does it? Therefore, I think it is really important we begin to look at our own classrooms, and change the way things are done. One of these ways is to provide 'open' learning spaces. I don't mean knocking down walls, but I do mean providing many different places for students to learn in a comfortable atmosphere. Imagine walking into a Starbucks and finding nothing but individual seating, at individual tables. It wouldn't be too inviting would it? Therefore, can we please do away with rows, and individual desks?
4. Numeracy & Financial Literacy
As a business and economics teacher, I must admit I am terrible with finances. I never took a course in my early years of education that taught me the basics of budgeting, accounting, forecasting, investing, etc. I took math, and at times we worked in these concepts, but like every other student I just thought it was stuff we did in math class. If I had a course on personal finance would I be better off than I am now? Probably not; but it also wouldn't have hurt either. The more we teach numeracy, the more focus put on working & understanding the value of numbers, the better we will be with financial literacy. Many believe the last recession, outside of greed & faulty accounting and investment tools, had a lot to do with the public's lack of financial literacy. Therefore, in the 21st century we need to invest more time in educating students how to read numbers, like we have done with the literary word.
5. Risk Taking
This element's focus is two-fold - one from a student perspective, and one from an educators perspective.
The first is for our students. We have driven the idea into many (if not most) students that they should do what is safe, secure, and cautious. Go after careers that guarantee them a sufficient income, and a stability that they would not have otherwise. These same students complete their assignments in the same way - taking few risks to challenge the status-quo. Will this same approach help them once they complete their education? My thought is no - the world is filled with too much uncertainty and unknown, that you have to take some risk at least.
The next is for educators. We have also taken an approach in teaching that is safe, secure, and cautious. For the most part this is because we are evaluated based on this model - evaluated based on traditional teaching practices. But what is this doing to the classroom's of our school? Maintaining the status-quo? We need to encourage risk-taking amongst educators as well, to develop new ways of teaching things - new pedagogies, approaches, methods, etc. - that will allow for failure, and so that we can learn from this to constantly improve and evolve.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Arranging the Elements
Recently I had a great chat with a colleague about the periodic table. We began discussing the organization of the table, and the order of the elements. As I previously mentioned, I have no knowledge of chemistry, and I just added the elements in an order that they were submitted. However, what I was able to learn about the real periodic table from this discussion, has definitely changed my approach to the elements.
Here was his suggestion:
"In a periodic table, these are important considerations:
However, I also think there are many ways to organize the elements in terms of groups, importance, etc. Just like identifying the actual elements, there is no simple, single answer; and I think that many people, may have many different ideas. So I put this back out to the 'Twitterverse',
Here was his suggestion:
"In a periodic table, these are important considerations:
- elements in a column have similar properties (in chemistry it's due to number of electrons);
- elements nearer to the top should be the most simple to do and should be done by all (in chemistry usually it is the most abundant element - we come from stars)"
These were great points raised. The order I realize, does kind of matter. Loi also provided a great visual that suggested arranging the elements in a way that works toward organizing the elements based on similar properties, simplicity, and action by all. The elements at the top, should be the ones that are most 'actionable'.
So this discussion got me thinking:
- What elements should be done by all?
- What elements have similar properties?
These are important questions that we must ask ourselves in 21st century education. My thought is organizing the elements according to 3 groups:
A. Habits of Mind - what students & teachers should work toward always demonstrating?
B. 21st Century Skills - what skills need to be developed in students & educators?
C. Environment - what places of learning should look like, be like, include, etc.?The real periodic table has similar organization as was pointed out to me - "There are also blocks, that are similar - ie. metals are first 2 cloumns, the last 2 columns would be non-metals."
However, I also think there are many ways to organize the elements in terms of groups, importance, etc. Just like identifying the actual elements, there is no simple, single answer; and I think that many people, may have many different ideas. So I put this back out to the 'Twitterverse',
"How Should We Organize 21st Century Education Elements?"
Monday, May 5, 2014
Periodic Table: The Search for Elements Continues
The creation of the 'Periodic Table of 21st Century Education' was an idea born from the collaboration & input of many. I wanted to continue with this philosophy, and am especially pleased it has. I had originally thought of creating something like this on my own; however, quickly realized that there are far too many educators out there, who have way more knowledge & insight than I could possibly add! I think when having a conversation like this, it's even more powerful when there are many involved in it.
So over the last few days, many educators have shared, favourited, offered insight, added their elements to the table; and it has quickly doubled to 12 elements. The ideas that many have offered have sparked conversation, and has my mind racing, thinking about what other elements should be added. And although there are only 12 right now, the list could be much longer!
Many have offered multiple elements, each of which could & should be on the Table. However, in the spirit of collaboration, I have chosen to limit contributions to one element per person. My hope is that it will allow more educators to engage in the conversation, and offer their own opinions, without feeling as if their voice has already been taken from them.
I have also decided to capture as much of the conversation as possible; the back and forth dialogue which has happened in the 'Twitter'sphere' has been added to the following Storify:
So over the last few days, many educators have shared, favourited, offered insight, added their elements to the table; and it has quickly doubled to 12 elements. The ideas that many have offered have sparked conversation, and has my mind racing, thinking about what other elements should be added. And although there are only 12 right now, the list could be much longer!
Many have offered multiple elements, each of which could & should be on the Table. However, in the spirit of collaboration, I have chosen to limit contributions to one element per person. My hope is that it will allow more educators to engage in the conversation, and offer their own opinions, without feeling as if their voice has already been taken from them.
I have also decided to capture as much of the conversation as possible; the back and forth dialogue which has happened in the 'Twitter'sphere' has been added to the following Storify:
So here's the updated Periodic Table, 12 elements in all, with many more (hopefully) still to come!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
The Periodic Table of 21st Century Education
I have been contemplating a lot recently about what education should look like. Feel like. Be like. Sound like. There has been a wave of tremendous change that has swept the educational landscape; and has brought with it new ideas, foci, and pedagogies. I try to stay abreast of this conversation, and love the engagement shown by many; all of whom wish to improve education, and thus student learning.
One of those people was Ingvi Omarsson, whose blog post highlighted the 14 things he believes are obsolete in 21st century schools. I found it inspiring and very thought provoking; and really made me consider my own teaching practice. I enjoyed the fact that he did not just focus on technology, but really took a wholistic approach to improving education.
Others came from my school board, where there is a growing online PLN, full of fantastic, engaged educators. Through this network, I recently engaged in a group blog activity with some of these excellent educators, where we each contributed a '6 word definition' for the '6 C's in 21st Century Education' (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, citizenship, & character). The six word definitions allowed us to really narrow down our thoughts, into a concise, neat opinion about each of the six C's. It also allowed us to look through the lens of others in order to better understand each element.
So that got me thinking. What other elements are necessary to prepare students for the 21st century? What are the attributes, skills, environments, etc., that we need to provide for them in order for them to become 21st century learners?
Answering these questions are not simple, and there is no one response that will fully answer each question. Just like the group blog, many different educators have many different opinions; and its necessary to look through the variety of lenses to truly understand the elements of 21st century education.
Therefore, let's put our heads together, and compile the elements necessary in 21st century education. The first six are already complete, taken already from the opinions of educators; but I know there is so much more to this!
Here's how we can do it. Send me an element via twitter that you believe is necessary in 21st century education (i.e. technology), as well as a 6 word definition. I will add then add it to the list, as well as you as the contributor. (like below)
What list you ask? Well, I am no scientist, and don't begin to know how the 'Scientific Periodic Table' is compiled; but I thought it was a nice way to illustrate the elements. Thus, I have begun the
So send along your ideas. I'd love to hear what you're thinking!
One of those people was Ingvi Omarsson, whose blog post highlighted the 14 things he believes are obsolete in 21st century schools. I found it inspiring and very thought provoking; and really made me consider my own teaching practice. I enjoyed the fact that he did not just focus on technology, but really took a wholistic approach to improving education.
Others came from my school board, where there is a growing online PLN, full of fantastic, engaged educators. Through this network, I recently engaged in a group blog activity with some of these excellent educators, where we each contributed a '6 word definition' for the '6 C's in 21st Century Education' (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, citizenship, & character). The six word definitions allowed us to really narrow down our thoughts, into a concise, neat opinion about each of the six C's. It also allowed us to look through the lens of others in order to better understand each element.
So that got me thinking. What other elements are necessary to prepare students for the 21st century? What are the attributes, skills, environments, etc., that we need to provide for them in order for them to become 21st century learners?
Answering these questions are not simple, and there is no one response that will fully answer each question. Just like the group blog, many different educators have many different opinions; and its necessary to look through the variety of lenses to truly understand the elements of 21st century education.
Therefore, let's put our heads together, and compile the elements necessary in 21st century education. The first six are already complete, taken already from the opinions of educators; but I know there is so much more to this!
Here's how we can do it. Send me an element via twitter that you believe is necessary in 21st century education (i.e. technology), as well as a 6 word definition. I will add then add it to the list, as well as you as the contributor. (like below)
What list you ask? Well, I am no scientist, and don't begin to know how the 'Scientific Periodic Table' is compiled; but I thought it was a nice way to illustrate the elements. Thus, I have begun the
'Periodic Table of 21st Century Education'
So send along your ideas. I'd love to hear what you're thinking!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
An Evolution in Digital Citizenship
Teenagers today are definitely not in the same world that I was a kid in. The fact that their Internet connection does not require disconnecting the home phone, and waiting 10 agonizing minutes, while a collection of the most annoying sounds in the world screech through the modem, is case in point. I still remember sending my first email, and recall just how mind blowing it was at the time. I remember getting my first cell phone, and how amazing it was that I could connect with friends; without worrying about my mother picking up the other phone while I was on it!
The simple fact is, they live in a different world. One which is so interconnected, that it is almost impossible for them to do anything without it being documented. I know this is not a CNN Breaking Newsflash, but when you step back for a second and think about it, you begin to realize just how 'Live' their lives really are. Just for a moment take a quick look at the list of social media websites available to them! True, not all hold the same popularity as Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Vine, and Snapchat, but the options are staggering; and many more are developed every day. This staggering amount of options not only provides them with countless ways to 'connect', but also with countless opportunities to reveal themselves - both good and bad.
Therefore, as educators it has never been so important to impart the lessons and knowledge onto them to show their 'best selves'. Few others have such a unique opportunity to engage with them and show them how to effectively communicate, connect, and share. I know many take this opportunity to teach them about the 'threats' that exist online, or the security issues that exist on many of the social media websites. And although this is beneficial, and definitely needs to be done, I am not sure it connects as effectively as it should with teenagers. I have found with experience that many teenagers are past these lessons; and although they are not experts in connecting with the 'right people', and limiting what they reveal to the world, they are aware of what they should and shouldn't do.
So I have taken a different approach. I guess it's the marketer in me, but feel that imparting the lessons of digital citizenship needs to build on the idea of 'branding'. What I describe below is the 'evolution' of digital citizenship in students, and how I attempt to build the brand in them, where I eventually have them connect with those influences that will further support their brand.
*Just a note before you begin reading each stage of evolution - Although developing the actual brand is one of the first steps in marketing a product, when it comes to students, they don't actually know their brand until later. Therefore, this step falls after the first step, and although it may feel out of order, I believe it is in the correct place.
Grade 9 - Communicating Positivity
Every brand, whether it's Google or Lego, Coca Cola or Walmart, communicates its messages in a positive way. You rarely see a large corporation ridicule or belittle a potential customer (although mistakes do happen); or share negative information about themselves. This should be no different for our students, and is an approach that is slightly different then "Don't Bully!" or "Be Nice!" Students need to be taught that not only should they not say mean things about others online, they should also attempt to share positive messages - regularly.
One of the best examples I have witnessed was a Twitter account started by a couple of former students at my school. They were fed up with the negative messages that were being spread around our school. Rather than simply taking to twitter to attack those who spread such messages, they created an account that spread nothing but positivity. The result? Positivity took hold of the school. It even spread to other schools who also took up the effort.
Instead of teaching our students not to say mean things, we need to teach them to share positive messages on a regular basis. I know this seems like the same thing, in reality it is not. It means we teach them what to share, how to share it, and how to ensure it is a positive message. This begins to build their brand, and advertise their positive beliefs. If we begin this effort in grade 9, then I believe we will see this not only shape social media in years to come, but also the culture of the school in real life.
Grade 10 - Brand Development
When students enter grade 10 they begin to shape their futures. They begin to choose their career path, their friends, their influences, their hobbies, their passions, and their lives as a result. Students at this age begin to realize just who they really are and who they want to be known as (which sometimes are not the same thing). Therefore, it is a great opportunity to support these choices, and help them shape their brand online.
In order to do this, students need to find out what they are known for. They need to see if their own beliefs, match what others think about them. If they don't, they need to work on improving their brand, and one of the best ways to do this, is to use the social media available to them.
Grade 11 - Choosing the Medium
Once students have a positive voice, and a positive brand, now is the opportunity to identify the best medium to share this. As mentioned there are a 100+ mediums that are available to students to share their lives; however, some are better than others, and some 'fit' better than others. Students see their friends on Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, etc. and simply follow them onto these platforms. However, most don't stop and think about why they are on the mediums they chose; and even more don't stop and think about which one conveys their brand the best. This is no different from companies selecting different media for their own commercials - some are better for their brand then others.
Therefore, this is where we need to demonstrate the positives and drawbacks to each. Yes it requires a little bit of knowledge on each of them, but imagine the looks on students faces when you start educating them on the social media platforms they use everyday!
Grade 12 - Connecting & Sharing
The last stage of the evolutionary process is to align their brand with like minded individuals (or other brands). At this point in time, students are beginning to venture off into their careers, higher education, or other paths, and therefore they need to develop a learning network that they can look to for inspiration, information, and support. As a teacher on Twitter, I have developed what I believe to be, a fantastic PLN that I can always rely on for great insight into my profession. Why not teach our students how to develop a similar network? If anyone needs a supportive, insightful, learning network, I have to believe it is most definitely those who are moving out of their comfort zone of high school, and into the big scary 'real' world?!
This is the opportunity for students to connect with the institutions that they hope to attend, the career professionals who they can learn the industry information from, the educators that they will listen to in lectures, the experts they hope to apprentice with, and the many other individuals that will help them progress into fully functioning adults. This is the PLN that they need to use social media for, and the group they want to communicate their brand too.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
A Mid-Year Report Card
Where to begin? The usual ebb and flow of a school year, has given way to what seems to be rushing white water rapids this year. There have been lots of great things going on, and just too little time to write about them. However, now that one semester is in the books, I thought I'd provide a little bit of an update on the Technasium and how well it's been thus far. And so just like the report cards I write for all of my students, here is the "Technasium's Mid-Year Growing Success Assessment & Evaluation Report Card Thingy" (Report card for short)
So what can we say about the results? Well although they haven't been the results I would have liked to have seen, it certainly hasn't been a failure. There has definitely been some hurdles, that still require great leaps to overcome, but none that are impossible. Answers to some of the problems facing the initiative are also unknown at this time, which can make it frustrating. But even if the room is facilitating greater collaboration and providing support to a small group, that makes it worthwhile. With anything new, there is obviously a period of adjustment and acceptance, and only with time will we see how useful the Technasium may be.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
An Open Letter to All Educational Leaders & Administrators
Dear Fearless Leaders,
You know who you are; those who devote all their time, energy, and expertise to improving education around the world. I'm speaking to you because I need your help. And not just me, but every teacher who is embracing 21st century technologies into their classrooms, and attempting to motivate others to do the same. I know you are busy, and you have 101 different initiatives on the go right now; but you at least need to put those on hold for a second and listen up.
We have entered an era in education, which might be the most significant, game-changing, paradigm shifting, wall-breaking era ever to hit education. It is a fantastic time to be involved in education. There are so many amazing things going on, and so many people sharing their stories about these things. We have teachers who are harnessing the power of YouTube to deliver lectures so that students can be better prepared walking into class; teachers engaging in weekly Twitter chats outside of school hours to better themselves professionally; others who are harnessing every web 2.0 tool imaginable so that they can support their students communicate, collaborate, create, and most importantly, critically think. Educators all over the world are re-imagining what the physical classroom should look like, and creating 21st Century classrooms right before our eyes. The promotion of digital citizenship has never been bigger, and teachers, parents, and students are working together to spread the word. We have 1:1 classrooms, blended learning,gamification, mobile learning, MOOCs, BYOD initiatives, and so much more going on. And yet, the majority of people who are talking about this, sharing their insight, and knowledge are teachers.
I hear about many teachers who describe themselves as '21st Century Educators/Teachers' but when you look around, you don't see too many administrators, superintendents, or directors who describe themselves in the same way. Why is this? I think because in most cases, teachers are the ones who are leading the charge when it comes to promoting 21st Century initiatives; and are also the ones attempting to assist other teachers who are willing to learn. Administrators are more than willing to support these individuals, and that is fantastic; however, support has to come in more ways than financial, resource, time release, or other ways. And just like these countless educators are willing to support, tutor, and assist other teachers, they're willing to do the same for you! You just need to ask, sacrifice, and be willing to become a student again. No player is willing to play for a coach who is not willing to lead by example, and in just the same way, teachers are looking for similar leadership.
I realize this does not apply to EVERY administrator out there, but unfortunately, my belief is that there are too many that it does apply to. In the beginning of this post I asked for your help, and so here are my requests that I NEED you to complete by the end of the school year. These are not large requests, they are not leaps; just baby steps. And remember, one foot at a time.
Jason Richea
You know who you are; those who devote all their time, energy, and expertise to improving education around the world. I'm speaking to you because I need your help. And not just me, but every teacher who is embracing 21st century technologies into their classrooms, and attempting to motivate others to do the same. I know you are busy, and you have 101 different initiatives on the go right now; but you at least need to put those on hold for a second and listen up.
We have entered an era in education, which might be the most significant, game-changing, paradigm shifting, wall-breaking era ever to hit education. It is a fantastic time to be involved in education. There are so many amazing things going on, and so many people sharing their stories about these things. We have teachers who are harnessing the power of YouTube to deliver lectures so that students can be better prepared walking into class; teachers engaging in weekly Twitter chats outside of school hours to better themselves professionally; others who are harnessing every web 2.0 tool imaginable so that they can support their students communicate, collaborate, create, and most importantly, critically think. Educators all over the world are re-imagining what the physical classroom should look like, and creating 21st Century classrooms right before our eyes. The promotion of digital citizenship has never been bigger, and teachers, parents, and students are working together to spread the word. We have 1:1 classrooms, blended learning,gamification, mobile learning, MOOCs, BYOD initiatives, and so much more going on. And yet, the majority of people who are talking about this, sharing their insight, and knowledge are teachers.
I hear about many teachers who describe themselves as '21st Century Educators/Teachers' but when you look around, you don't see too many administrators, superintendents, or directors who describe themselves in the same way. Why is this? I think because in most cases, teachers are the ones who are leading the charge when it comes to promoting 21st Century initiatives; and are also the ones attempting to assist other teachers who are willing to learn. Administrators are more than willing to support these individuals, and that is fantastic; however, support has to come in more ways than financial, resource, time release, or other ways. And just like these countless educators are willing to support, tutor, and assist other teachers, they're willing to do the same for you! You just need to ask, sacrifice, and be willing to become a student again. No player is willing to play for a coach who is not willing to lead by example, and in just the same way, teachers are looking for similar leadership.
I realize this does not apply to EVERY administrator out there, but unfortunately, my belief is that there are too many that it does apply to. In the beginning of this post I asked for your help, and so here are my requests that I NEED you to complete by the end of the school year. These are not large requests, they are not leaps; just baby steps. And remember, one foot at a time.
1. Get on Twitter!
You need to share your expertise and insight, and demonstrate how Twitter is an extremely powerful learning network. PD is no longer restricted to PD days once a semester. It's happening all the time, and has become self directed. Teachers and other educators are developing professional learning networks where they are able to learn best-practices from others all around the world. They are connecting with other educators who share similar beliefs, passions, and characteristics when it comes to teaching. They are conversing regularly with others not only within their building, district, or country, but across borders. They are sharing images of their classrooms so that they can show others the activities that are leading to student success. Show your teachers and community this, and engage with them regularly.2. Stop Saying "I'm not really good with Technology"!
That's like saying "I'm not really good with this Math stuff", or "Reading isn't really my thing". Imagine the message you convey to staff and students when you say such things. You are acknowledging that it is acceptable to do poorly in math, or that literacy is irrelevant. In just the same way, you are also acknowledging that it is acceptable to remain in the 20th century, and that you don't need to take time to learn new processes and technologies. If you believe this, then get the typewriters back out and give those to your students; and then wait for their reactions.3. Encourage Risk Taking.
I don't mean that you should allow schools to become the Wild West, and anything goes; but encourage teachers to try new things, and that it is OK for them to fall on their face. There are so many options now for students to learn, and so many teachers want to try new things. The problem is however, that many are so afraid to fail; and their reasons are justified - performance appraisals, student & parent outcry, peer judgement, etc. However, developing a culture where teachers are willing to try gamification, the flipped classroom, blended learning, or other pedagogies could lead to amazing results! The very fact that students still fail, illustrates that education is not perfect. I'm not saying that any of the above mentioned pedagogies are perfect, but it may be that embracing one or more of them could lead to greater student achievement. The former General Stanley McChrystal once said "leaders can let you fail and yet, not let you be a failure"; and I think that's a lesson worth remembering.Sincerely,
Jason Richea
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Stop Collaborate and Listen!
This week's conversation is all about collaboration. As Matthew said, "We are collaborating in a 21st C way on defining collaboration". This week I have hosted everyone's contributions below, so take a look, and read some very interesting thoughts regarding Collaboration in Education in the 21st Century.
Debbie Axiak
@DebbieAxiak - http://debbieaxiak.blogspot.ca/
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Maslow’s Hierarchy came to mind when I was thinking about this part of our 6 C’s Project because there are varying levels of collaboration. At a basic level, teachers and/or students might be working side by side on the same project, or collaborating for the sake of collaborating (when it is mandated) - which is almost an individual pursuit. At the next level, when there is some camaraderie and care, collaborators begin to share ideas, strategies and materials as they work toward a common goal.
Many times, the goal of a collaborative task is to finish the project. Students and parents want to know how we will mark a collaborative project - they want it to be fair, they want the person who did the most work to get the best mark. Our society is still quite individualistic and competitive. We each want our voice to be heard, and some people are better at demanding that their voice is heard, while others prefer to give in to the stronger voice rather than face a confrontation. Many of us want to be congratulated on our strengths & are not very comfortable with critique because we take it personally - unless we have a trusting relationship with that person.
Successful collaboration requires 1) a common goal, 2) trust and support, 3) ongoing communication, 4) a growth mindset (the belief that everyone can learn, change & grow), 5) an openness to give and take feedback and 6) the ability to make it about the learning/task/project rather than about the people involved.
Collaboration = Working Together Toward a Common Goal
Matthew Oldridge
@matthewoldridge - http://matthewoldridge.blogspot.ca/
The deep dark secret behind many schoolhouse doors is how difficult collaboration is. We all have strong visions of what, and how, we like to teach, informed by our own biases, beliefs about education, learning styles, and even the things happening in our lives.
It’s hard to find the time, we might say, and retreat back to our own room. I’ve been guilty of this many times. I fall back on the comfortable ways of thinking, comfortable lesson ideas, and assignments.
When I’m at my best, though, I’m talking, thinking, working with others. “Isolation is the enemy of improvement,” I once heard. And it’s true-divided we stand, and together we fall. Technology has been one great force pushing collaboration. We have examples like this document- several voices uniting in one Google Doc, collaborating on collaboration. We have Twitter chats, where ideas are batted back and forth, in real time. Conversations that happen in hallways, before and after school. Finally, the larger structures like grade or school-wide inquiry work that is starting to take root across school systems. We begin to speak as one voice, to create a coherent “one” from “many.”
There’s hope, there always is. The struggles our own students experience in group work are mirrored by our own. Sometimes it just “clicks”, though- and the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. A project that 4 students that work on that transcends the criteria and learning goals. A summative task put together by a grade team that comes together like lightning, illuminating the curriculum and all our classroom work. A conversation with a colleague that spurs a series of activities that really make a math concept fun and engaging.
With practice, we improve. It would be fine to say everyone is born able to collaborate in meaningful ways, but when we say that, we probably mean cooperation. Everyone is born able to cooperate, but collaboration, now that is hard work!
Collaboration = Making One Voice From Many
Tina Zita
@tina_zita - http://misszita.wordpress.com/
I did a collaborative writing activity this week using Office 365 with a grade 7 class. I was pretty excited hoping it would become that piece I was looking for for this post. I used the new iPad air ad from apple as a minds on, collected a variety of ideas about winter through padlet and then on to Word in Office 365 where each class member added a line to our shared poem. Sounds impressive. The activity was ok.
The poem had some powerful sections but my lesson about collaboration came from an individual in the room.
I’m constantly amazed when I take the time to step back and #lookclosely.
We were having some technical difficulties (happens to all of us, even if technology is in your job title) so the teacher and myself were busy trouble shooting around the room when I looked over to see a vision of collaboration. There stood my ‘friend’ peering over a class members’ shoulder discussing word choice in the statement on the screen. We may say she had was the ‘leader type’ but what was amazing was the words I heard. It wasn’t bossy or challenging. There was no judgement. It was two individuals in pursuit of the best work. You heard the back and forth of the conversation, options, ideas. They used each of their strengths to compose the best line, which lead to the best verse and then to a better poem.
Sometimes I think as adults so much gets in the way of true collaboration. Such a wonderful reminder of what I would love to see in all 21st century learners.
Collaboration = A Back And Forth Creating Process
And now my own...
So I worked with some people once in a group; it was a horrible experience. No one knew what to do, some people never completed their parts, and I ended up never talking to those people again. It’s a story told by most, and unfortunately occurs far too often. This is what I call ‘Anti-Collaboration’.
It's easy to define what Collaboration is not, because many of us have found ourselves in groups where everyone is working on their own, and little communication occurs. We often like to think that when we are in a group, we are a part of a team. However, a team does not automatically suggest that collaboration occurs, as there can be many individual components, all of whom never really interact and share with the rest of the team.
Being part of a team, requires EACH & EVERY individual to contribute, to identify their roles & responsibilities, and support each other; so that as a team we can reach a goal. That in my mind is truly collaboration.
Being a ‘collaborator’ requires greater effort, and commitment, than any 'team-player' can give. It requires you to look at the bigger picture, the team's goals, and sacrifice those individual objectives, so that you can support the team, and allow it to succeed.
It also requires you to provide feedback and criticism, and in turn receive the same. Only when each individual provides an input, and each group member provide feedback, does collaboration exist. Such feedback, allows 'Collaborators' to revisit their work, and look to improve it, so that the team can achieve a higher level of success.
Therefore, true collaboration occurs when EVERY person contributes something to the group; and EVERY group member provide the necessary feedback, so that as a whole, the group continues to achieve their goals. When we witness such collaboration, the results can be incredible.
Collaboration = Meaningful Contributions From Every Team Player
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